Book: Yattani and the Specters of Thunder

Paperback – April 12, 2023

by Joseph Emmrich (Author)

There are only 500 human beings left in the Land of the Living. Yattani, his spirit broken by the torments of his nemesis and his own mother’s hatred, is running, eyes clenched shut, toward a suicidal plunge into the bottomless chasm that separates the Land of the Living from the Spirit World. As he’s about to take his last fatal strides, he hears a forceful bark and opens his eyes to see a mysterious dog blocking his path. He’d thought all the dogs had been hunted and eaten, but as he crashes to the ground in exhaustion, the dog curls up next to him while he sleeps and dreams.

When he awakens, the dog disappears into the jungle, but Yattani abandons his planned suicide and resolves to change his life. Through the mentorship of the shaman and help from unlikely sources, he endures physical and emotional challenges in a character-rich adventure story full of twists and cliff-hangers. When the shaman finally tasks him to make the impossible journey to the Spirit World alive, he must come to grips with conflicting duties while pursuing a still-hidden destiny.

Yattani’s story is a reimagining of themes from The Aeneid, Genesis, and Job, reflecting issues of today, through the eyes of a bullied and depressed thirteen-year-old living in a stone age culture. : Yattani and the Specters of Thunder by Joseph Emmrich

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