When It Was Good: …wondrous tales from lands remote and exotic
Paperback – September 18, 2012
by Joseph Emmrich (Author), John (Author)
In When It Was Good Joe and John tell you stories from seven months on the road. One storyteller is a young first-time traveler. The other, now retired, is picking up the trail of a two-year journey he made when he was young. In the course of their adventures and misadventure in Australia and Southeast Asia, both men face their own mortality, and change in ways they would not have imagined. When It Was Good is grounded in humor, but it willi make you think and maybe even cry a little. It will probably make you cringe and gasp along the way as well. Traveling for an extended period isn’t a vacation. It’s life on the road. It’s a journey. And a journey of months or years takes a special attitude. When It Was Good lets you feel what it’s like to face life-changing events without the structure and support systems of home. Whether you are a traveler or dream of being one; whether you’re just spreading your wings in life or patching those well-used wings with duct tape, When It Was Good will entertain you. As you travel with your storytellers, you’ll meet new people and explore new places and cultures without the filter of political correctness. It’s like having two of your friends over for a few beers to regale you wtih wondrous tales from lands remote and exotic. So chill and enjoy.
Read an excerpt of Chapter 8 from the book When It Was Good.
Purchase WHEN IT WAS GOOD at the below retail locations:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/When-Was-Good-wondrous-remote/dp/1468198572
CreateSpace: https://www.createspace.com/3764991
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